تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

دعونا ونحن نبدأ هذه السنة الجديدة، نتذكر هؤلاء الذين نشاركهم الخدمة والكرازة. اذا كنا مبشرين بالدعوة، فلنتهعد بأن نصلى صلاة تمجيد وشكر لشركائنا الذين يدعموننا. اذا كنا اعضاء فى طائفة ما، فعلينا ان نقدم الشكر لاستطاعتنا ان ندعم هؤلاء الذين يشاركون الإنجيل فى الاراضى الغريبة وهؤلاء الذين يعملون ضمن مجتمعات مختلفة وفى مناطق مختلفة فى بلادنا. لأن المشاركة فى عمل الله مع شعب الله هو حقا بركة عظيمة وميزة!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Special Note:
This year, we are basing our verse reference on the date as represented in the U.S. — January 4 is 1:4 from Philippians, and so June 6, for example, will be 6:6 from Matthew. This challenges us to look at important verses we might not have as our favorites and prevents us from turning the Bible into a set of our favorite slogans. We will find comforting, encouraging, motivating, convicting, and hope-filled messages throughout the year!

As we begin this new year, let's remember those with whom we are partnered in mission and outreach. If we are evangelists or cross-cultural workers for Jesus by calling, then let's commit to praying a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for our supporting partners. If we are members of a supporting congregation, then let's give thanks for being able to support those who share the Gospel in other places and those who work among different cultures and in different locations in our own countries. To share in God's work with God's people is truly a great blessing and privilege!


يا إله كل الشعوب، اعط كنيستك حس اعظم بالشراكة فى الوصول للناس الذين لا يعلمون بنعمتك المنجية. بارك كل الذين يشاركون حق يسوع بمحبة، شجاعة، واخلاص. في اسم المخلص الوحيد الحقيقى، يسوع، اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Father of all peoples, give your Church a greater sense of partnership in reaching those who do not know your saving grace. Bless those everywhere who share the truth of Jesus with love, courage, and faithfulness. In the name of the only true Savior, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of فيلبى 4:1-5
