تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
ان الكثير مما يسير اعجابنا هو مجرد انتصار عابر تشويق رياضي او شخصية مرنمة. لدينا شيئ يمكننا ان نبتهج و نرنم له بفرح الا و هو الله القدير هو ابونا و هو ابدي. هو صخره الثبات فى العالم المتقلب، لذا الامر يستحق الهتاف بفرح بحق لله. فهو قد عرفنا منذ تكويننا، واحبنا قبل تكوين العالم، وارسل ابنه ليخلصنا، وسوف يأخذنا للسماء بنفسه! لذا الترنيم الهادئ الذي نرنمه في احيان كثيرة لن يجدى اليوم. فهلم نرنم بفرح ونهتف للرب!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
So much of what we get excited about today is merely a fleeting victory, a vicarious sporting thrill, or personality worship. We have something to sing about with joy: the almighty God as our Father. He is Eternal. He is our Rock of stability in a "topsy-turvy" world. We can legitimately shout with joy about our God. He has known us since our conception, he has loved us from before the foundation of the world, he has sent his Son to save us, and he will bring us home to himself! Sometimes we are most reverent when we are NOT to be quiet! Let's sing with joy and shout out loud to the Lord.
هللويا، الرب إلهى، لقد خلصتنى! لقد باركتنى بنعمتك، ارحتنى بمحبتك، وجددتنى بروحك. حياتى تفيض بغزارة بركاتك الغنية. اسبحك بقلبى. اسبحك بفكرى. اسبحك بكلامى. اسبحك بيداى. اسبحك بكل كيانى. في اسم يسوع. آمين.
My Prayer...
Hallelujah, Lord God, you have brought your salvation down to me! You have blessed me with your grace, comforted me with your love, and renewed me with your Spirit. My life overflows with the abundance of your many rich blessings. I praise you with my heart. I praise you with my thoughts. I praise you with my words. I praise you with my hands. I praise you with all that I am. In Jesus' name. Amen.