تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

غالباً ما يكون العالم مكان عدائي للمؤمنين. لكن الله يريد ابنائه الروحيين ان يعرفوا انهم ليسوا بمفردهم. هو يعيش فينا بروحه. يمكننا ان نتاكد و نطمان انه مهما كانت الروح التي يمتلكها اي احد، فروح الله القدوس أعظم، وأقوى، وأكثر مجداً. النصرة لنا لأن وجود الله فينا أعظم من أي قوة يمكن ان نواجهها. ان نصرتنا على كل القوى، والأرواح، والاعداء اكيدة و مضمونة.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The world can often be a hostile place for believers. God wants us, his spiritual children, to know they are never alone. God lives in us through his Spirit. We can be assured, therefore, that no matter what spirit someone else may have, the Holy Spirit of God is greater, more powerful, and more glorious. The victory is ours because God's presence in us is greater than any force we will ever face. Our victory is assured over all forces, powers, spirits, and opponents. This is a key promise made to us in our baptism because we share with Jesus in death, burial, and resurrection, which means we share in his victory over sin, death, evil, and hell (Colossians 2:12-15; 3:1-4). Yes, the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world!


أبي العزيز، من فضلك اعطني الثقة والجرأة والاقتناع بوعودك. اريد ان اعيش بجرأة لمجدك وحسب ارادتك. أشكرك على دعمي لانال هذه الحياة المنتصرة بروحك التي تعيش بداخلي. لك كل المجد، والعزة، والكرامة. في اسم يسوع. آمين.

My Prayer...

Dear Father, please give me the confidence, boldness, and conviction of your promises. I want to live boldly for your glory and according to your will. Thank you for assuring me of your victory by allowing me to participate in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and assuring me of my participation in his glory. Thank you for empowering me to have this victorious life through your Spirit, who lives within me. To you belong all glory, majesty, and praise. In Jesus' name. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of يوحنا الأولى 4:4
