تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
"انه يذهب حيثما ينظر، انه يذهب حيثما ينظر!" هذه الجمله التى قالتها زوجه ساخطه بخصوص زوجها ز هي تعبر فعلا عن الحقيقة. فهو يحرك عجلة القيادة بثبات باتجاه نظره. هذا المبدأ حقيقي ايضا في حياة كل منا: "الحياة حيثما ننظر!" لهذا يجب ان نثبت اعيننا على يسوع! حياتنا سوف تتبع اتجاه نظرنا! لنتأكد اننا ننظر إلى يسوع.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
"He drives where he looks, he drives where he looks!" That statement made by a disgruntled wife about her husband really spoke the truth. He invariably would turn the steering wheel in the direction he was looking. This principle is also true of each of us and our life: "Lives where she or he looks!" That's why it's important to fix our eyes on Jesus! Our life will follow where we look! Let's make sure that our gaze is on Jesus.
الله القدوس القدير، بدون نعمتك وهبة خلاصك لم يكن من الممكن ان اقترب منك بثقة. اشكرك على ارسالك يسوع! اشكرك على حياته، وموته، وقيامته، وصعوده، وشفاعته. اتعهد هذا اليوم ان ابقى نظري تجاهه! في اسمه القدوس اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Almighty and holy God, without your grace and the gift of your salvation I could not approach you with confidence. Thank you for sending Jesus! Thank you for his life, his death, his resurrection, his exaltation and his intercession. I pledge this day to keep my eyes on him! Through his holy name I pray. Amen.