تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
لماذا المشاركة مع الآخرين اننا نشكر الله على وجودهم فى حياتنا هو امر صعب جدا؟ سمح الله لابنه يسوع ليعرف محبته وموافقته. اتذكرون كلماته عند معمودية يسوع والتجلى؟ "هذا هو ابني الحبيب..." بولس الرسول سمح ايضا للكنائس المكافحة التى انشأنها ليعرفوا انه كان يصلى من أجلهم بانتظام (راجع فيلبي 3:1). انها بركة عظيمة ان تشكر الله على شخص مميز فى حياتك. وبركة مضاعفة ان تدع هؤلاء الناس ان يعرفوا اننا نشكر الله على وجودهم في حياتنا. لنلتزم "بضعف البركة" اليوم!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Why is it so hard to share with others that we have thanked God for bringing them into our lives? God let his Son, Jesus, know his love, approval, and pleasure in him. Remember his words at Jesus' baptism? "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased" (Luke 3:22) He repeated most of these words on the Mount of Transfiguration, validating Jesus' identity, ministry, and message: This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him! (Mark 9:7). The Father was rejoicing and giving thanks for his Son!
The apostle Paul also let the struggling churches he planted know he was praying for them (Philippians 1:3). It's a great blessing to thank God for someone special in our lives. It's a double blessing to let those people know that we've thanked God for them being in our lives AND let them know what we have said about them in our thanksgiving. Let's each commit to being a "double blessing" person today!
ابى الكريم، لقد باركتنى بطرق عديدة جدا! لكن اليوم، انا مدرك خصوصا لكل الطرق المدهشة التى باركتنى بها من خلال ناس آخرون. اريد ان اشكرك الآن على هؤلاء الاشخاص المسيحيين الرائعين الذين وضعتهم فى حياتى... (ضع اسماء الناس المميزين هنا وتأكد من اعلامهم بأنك شكرت الله على وجودهم). من فضلك احرسهم وقويهم واستخدمهم لتبارك الآخرين كما باركونى. باسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Gracious Father, you have blessed me in so many ways! Today, however, I'm especially aware of the many incredible ways you have blessed me through other people. I want to thank you now for the following wonderful Christian people you have placed in my life... (put the names of special people in here and then be sure and let them know you've thanked God for them). Please guard and strengthen them and use them to bless others as they have blessed me. In Jesus' name, I thank and praise you. Amen.