تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
ان خطة الله لخلاصنا فوق الوصف و لا تصدق. و خطة خلق الكون شئ يفوق خيالنا. فهو غنى جدا بالحكمة والمعرفة. ماذا يمكننا ان نفعل سوى ان نسأله ان يفتح عقولنا لعمله وارادته فى حياتنا.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God's plan to save us is incredible. His blueprints for the creation of our universe are beyond our imagining. He is so rich in wisdom and knowledge. What else can we do but go to him and ask him to open our minds to his work and his will in our lives.
ابي القدير الغالى، اشكرك على ايقاظك لى كل نسمة لاستيعاب قوة وجودك فى العالم وفى حياتى. باركنى و أنا احاول اليوم أن اضعك اولا فى كل ما افعله. في اسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Precious and Almighty Father, thank you for reawakening me each spring to the power of your sustaining presence in the world, but even more in my life. Bless me today as I seek to put you first in all I do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.