تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
حتى اكثرنا تفائل يجدون انفسهم مكسورين ومتعبين فى مرحلة ما من حياتهم. ليس صعبا جدا ان نصدق ونتبع يسوع عندما نرتفع على أجنحة النسور او نجرى دون ان نتعب فى مسيرتنا مع الله. احيانا اصعب وقت لنبقى ايماننا حيوى هو عندما نحاول ان نستمر فى المسيرة بدون ان نضعف. فى تلك لحظات الضعف التام، والعجز، والانكسار، لرب يكون حقيقى، قوى جدا، وحاضر جدا.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Even the most pumped-up, excited, and optimistic among us can find ourselves broken, discouraged, and weary when facing challenging times in our lives. It isn't hard to believe and follow Jesus when we are soaring on eagles' wings or running and not growing weary in our walk with God. Often the most challenging time to keep our faith vibrant, however, is when we try to keep putting one foot in front of the other while not fainting. The Lord is often the most real, powerful, and present in those moments of absolute powerlessness, weakness, and brokenness. So, let's pray to recognize his presence.
اشكرك يا الله لحملى والحفاظ على ايمانى حى حين اتعرض للهجوم من الشرير وتتعبنى التحديات وصعوبات الحياة. من فضلك اعط احبائى، واذكرهم الآن بالاسم، القوة للمتابعة حتى عندما يكونوا متعبين وضعفاء. ارجوك كن حقيقى فى حياتهم ودعهم يعرفون انك آت بالنعمة للمساعدة والفداء كمخلصهم العظيم. باسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Thank you, God, for sustaining me and keeping my faith alive when the evil one attacked me and I grew weary with life's challenges and hardships. Please give those I love the strength to press on even though they are weary and weak... (Pray for specific people you know need God's help to press on with life!) O, God, please be present and experienceable in their lives to let them know that you are coming with grace to help and redeem them as their Great Deliverer. In Jesus' name, I ask this. Amen.