تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
كلمة "الخضوع" احيانا تكون ايجابية او سلبية بناء على علاقتها بنا شخصيا. امر لطيف ان يكون هناك من يخدمنا بخضوع، لكن خدمة شخص آخر بخضوع هو امر شاق. للآسف، نحن أنانيين جدا معظم الوقت. لكن الله يعمل فى معارضة مباشرة لأى أحد ملئ بالفخر وغير مستعد لخدمة الآخرين، وخصوصا اذا كان هؤلاء "الآخرين" هم مؤمنين كبار! سواء كان سهل ان نرتدى ملابس التى يطلبها أبينا او لا، علينا ان نرتدى التواضع عمدا!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
The word "submissive" is often viewed as positive or negative based on our personal experience. It is nice having someone serve us submissively, but serving someone else submissively is hard and sometimes imposing work. Unfortunately, we are selfish way too much of the time and don't like to serve or submit to others. However, God is still in direct opposition to anyone full of pride and unwilling to serve others, especially if those "others" are older believers! Whether it's easy to wear the clothes of a submissive servant — the spiritual clothes our Father wants us to wear voluntarily — we are to intentionally clothe ourselves with humility because "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Let's live the blessing of submission in our daily lives!
يا أبى، اشكرك كثيرا على ابطال الايمان العظماء المذكورين فى الكتاب المقدس. اشكرك على ابطال الايمان الآخرين الذين شاركوا امثلتهم وحياتهم معى. باركهم بالقوة والصحة. من فضلك استخدمنى لأبارك واخدم كل اولادك، وخصوصا من عاشوا سنوات كثيرة فى خدمتك باخلاص. بنعمة يسوع، وباسمه اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Father, thank you so much for the great heroes of faith listed in Scripture. Thank you for the heroes of faith who served others and demonstrated their love for others through submission as examples to me. Bless them with strength and health. And now, Father, please use me to bless and to serve all of your children, especially those who have lived many years in faithful service to you and your Kingdom. Because of the grace of Jesus, and in his name, I pray. Amen.