تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

ان الغفران رائع إذا أدى إلى تغيير الحياة. لقد آتى يسوع ليدعونا من الخطية، لندخل الي محضره، وننعم معه في النعيم . لقد منحنا النعمة و انعم علينا و اكرمنا بما يكفى لكى لا يتركنا فى الخطية!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Forgiveness is wonderful when it leads to a life change that honors the Lord. Jesus came to call us from sin and into his presence. When we turn our back on our previous sins and let him remove our shame and condemnation, he is greatly pleased and we are wonderfully blessed. He gave us grace to not only be forgiven of our past sins but also to call us away from that sin and into a life of productive service, service which he planned for us and designed us to do (Ephesians 2:1-10). We are not just saved FROM something horrible; we are saved FOR something wonderful!


ايها الرب إلهى، القدوس فى كل طرقك، من فضلك غير قلبى وحياتى ووجها نحو ارادتك المقدسة. اعطنى ضمان الغفران و امنحني الشجاعة لأترك خطيتي خلفى. في اسم يسوع اطلب نعمتك و قوتك الغير محدودة لتشكل قلبى وحياتى لتصبح انعكاسا واضحا لك. آمين.

My Prayer...

O Lord my God, you are holy and gracious in all your ways. So, dear Father, please transform my heart and life so I can live in your divine will. Please give me the assurance of forgiveness, confidence in my deliverance from shame, and courage in my future with you so I can leave my sin behind and embrace the life of productive service you have prepared for me to do. In Jesus' name, I ask you for your gracious and unlimited power to mold my heart and shape my life into a clearer reflection of Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of يوحنا 10:8-11
