تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
"قل الحقيقة أول مرة فلن تضطر لتذكر ما قلته اذا" هذه المقولة لسام رايبرن. و هذا ما تحاول كلمة الله أن تعلمه لنا فى هذه الآية. اسلك بالاستقامة فعندما يعرف أحد أسرارك فلن تخف لأنك تسلك بالبر. و لكن الشخص الغشاش سيظل دائما خائف أن يكتشف أحد أمره. ليس هناك أمان فى الطرق المعوجة بل هناك احتمال للوقوع. عندما سينادى فى السطوح ما كان يسمع فى الأذن فلن يخاف الأبرار لأنهم يعرفون أن الله سيقول لهم نعما أيها العباد الصالحين.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
"Tell the truth the first time and then you won't have to remember what you said." That's a quote attributed to the famous Speaker of the House (U.S.A. House of Representatives) Sam Rayburn. That's basically what God's wisdom is trying to teach us in this passage. Be a person of integrity. Then, when someone finds out your secrets, you can feel secure knowing that you have lived for godliness. However, a perverse and deceitful person has to constantly worry that someone will find him out. There is no security or assurance in crooked paths, only the certainty of getting tripped up and caught. When the secrets of evil that have been whispered in dark places get shouted from the rooftops, those who have lived for the Lord can be secure, knowing that what gets shouted about them is said with the voice of God: "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
من فضلك سامحنى يا الله لأجل كل مرة كنت أسلك فيها بغش و خداع في السر. طهرنى من كل غش. ساعدنى أن أتكلم فقط بالصدق. ساعدنى لكي أتغير بنعمتك المقدسة لكى أكون نفس الشخص فى السر و فى العلن. في اسم يسوع أصلي. آمين.
My Prayer...
Please forgive me, dear God, for those times that I have been secretive and dishonest. Purify me of deceit. Help me speak only what is true and appropriate. Transform my evil secrets, through your holy grace, into a holy character that is the same both in public and private. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.