تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

احب الطريقة التى يجذب بها يسوع انتباه تلاميذه. "اطعموهم يا رجال!" و بالطبع علموا انه ليس فى استطاعتهم ذلك! لكن يسوع اراهم انهم اذا احضروا مواردهم الضئيلة إليه، يستطيعون فعل اشياء مدهشة. عندما انتهت النزهة الكبيرة، كان على كل واحد منهم حمل سلة مليئة ببقايا الطعام من مائدة الله! فلنتذكر انه ليس التحدى او الموارد هو الذى يقيدنا؛ بل هو عدم رغبتنا فى احضار ما لدينا ليسوع والثقة بأنه سوف يفعل شيئاً بنا ليبارك الناس بطرق لم نحلم بها من قبل ! (راجع أفسس 20:3-21)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I love the way Jesus got his disciples' attention in this situation. He challenged them "to do immeasurably more than all [they] ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20-21). Basically, Jesus told them, "You feed them, boys!" Of course, they knew that they couldn't! Yet Jesus showed them they could do amazing things if they brought their meager resources to him. When the big picnic was over, each of those limited disciples got to pick up a basket full of leftovers from the table of Jesus' grace (Luke 9:17). Let's remember our challenge is the limited resources we see but our unwillingness to bring what we have to Jesus and trust that he will do something with us, and those resources, to bless others in ways we couldn't have dreamed!


لك كل المجد يا أبي على مساعدتك الغامرة ورحمتك فى وقت الحاجة، و على محبتك وكرمك فى وقت العوز، واستخدامك المدهش المثير لي وللموارد التى ائتمنتنى عليها لتحقيق وصاياك و خطتك. في اسم يسوع امجدك. آمين.

My Prayer...

All praise to you, Abba Father, for your extravagant help and mercy in times of need, your loving and generous provision in times of want, and your surprising and exciting use of my limited resources as I seek to do your will. I know that you have entrusted me with what I have to accomplish the work you have called me to do as I serve to bless others. Forgive me, Father, for not trusting you to make what I think are my meager resources more than enough to do your work in my world! In Jesus' name, I ask for your grace fully confident and praising you for your sufficiency. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of لوقا 13:9
