تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
نحن نخدم بالنعمة. لقد خلصنا الله وطهرنا بنعمته المعطاة لنا فى يسوع. لقد صرنا طاهرين امام الله بنعمة يسوع. لقد وهبنا الله هبة لنستخدمها فى الخدمة للكنيسة بنعمة يسوع. لقد اعطى الروح القدس قوة لنا لنتحمل اثناء الاوقات الصعبة بنعمة الله فى يسوع. لذلك الخدمة التى نجد انفسنا قادرين ان نؤديها، والفرص التى لدينا لنخدم ونصنع فارق فى حياة الناس، والقوة التى لدينا فى تحقيق الخدمة كلها معطاة لنا. انها ليست شئ نتباهى به. قوة الرب كاملة فى الضعف كما نقدم انفسنا له لنعمل لمجده.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We minister by grace. We are saved and made holy by God's grace given us by Jesus. We are declared righteous and blameless before God because of the grace of Jesus. We are given spiritual gifts to use in ministry for the Church because of the grace of Jesus. We are given strength from the Holy Spirit to persevere during difficult times because of the grace of God in Jesus. So, what ministry we find ourselves capable of performing, what opportunities we have to serve and make a difference in people's lives, and what power we have in fulfilling our ministry are all given to us by grace. Our ministry, service, and efforts are not something we boast about. The Lord's power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-11) as we offer ourselves to him to be used for his glory.
فليتمجد اسمك يا إلهى يا آبانا الأبدى. اشكرك على يسوع الذى فدانى، وهبنى، قوانى، ارشدنى، وحملنى لأخدم. فلتتمجد فى كل افعالى واقوالى. باسم يسوع. آمين.
My Prayer...
Glorify your name, O God, the Eternal Father of grace. Thank you for Jesus, who has redeemed, gifted, strengthened, led, and empowered me to serve. May you be glorified in all that I say and do. In Jesus' name. Amen.