تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

ان الذهاب للكنيسة بالنسبة لمعظم الناس لا يعد أمراً جذاباً كثيراً. و لكن هذا لا يجب ان يفاجئنا اطلاقا . ان القيام بأمور من باب الاخلاق فقط ليس بامراً شائعاً. ايضا القيام بأشياء من اجل ارضاء الناس فقط ليس ضرورياً. لكن رسالة الروح القدس يذكرنا اننا نحتاج ان نكون مع شعب الله لأنهم يحتاجون لنا — لنشجعهم ونحفزهم ! فى الحقيقة، اعتقد ان الرب يفضل ان "نكون" نحن انفسنا كنيسة بدلاً من "الذهاب" للكنيسة.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"Going to church" isn't very attractive phrase to many folks. This reality shouldn't surprise us. Doing things as an act of discipline isn't very popular and often isn't easy. Plus, doing things for others doesn't always fill our hearts with joy — although it probably should. On top of these realities is another spiritual reality that may be even more important: "going to church" is a concept nowhere found in Scripture — church is not a place we go, but something we are! The Holy Spirit's message in our Verse of the Day reminds us that WE need to be with God's people because they need us to encourage, bless, and motivate them! Church is a gathering of Jesus' disciples to honor him and bless each other. The Lord would prefer us to think of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation as being church rather than gathering in a box we fill to worship him. But don't misrepresent this truth. The Holy Spirit isn't saying we can skip out on gathering together. He is commanding the opposite. "Assemble! Don't quit meeting together," the Spirit commands us here. Where we meet isn't nearly as important as gathering together and blessing each other when we regularly meet. Each of us needs encouragement to keep living for Jesus as his return grows ever nearer!


يا أبي، من فضلك بارك كل المسيحيين الذين اقابلهم باستمرار. باركهم من خلال كلامي، و سلوكي، وتأثيري علي من حولي حينما نجتمع سوياً لتمجيدك ونشجع بعضنا بعضاً. اشكرك على اعطائي اناس اشارك معهم رحلتي إلي السماء لالتقيك. في اسم يسوع. آمين.

My Prayer...

Father, please bless the group of Christians with whom I regularly meet. Bless them through my words, attitude, and influence as we walk beside and encourage each other to honor you. Stir me to bless your disciples and encourage them to live for Jesus as we await his return. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of عبرانيين 25:10
