تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
بينما كان بولس يواجه ظروف صعبة جدا قرب نهاية حياته، كثير من الناس الذين ارشدهم للرب تخلوا عنه. لكنه كان واثق بأن الرب لن يتركه! لقد كرس حياته للرب يسوع و قد كان الله يؤكد بأن الوديعة التى اودعها بولس لن تهدر. حياته، و مستقبله، ومصيره الأبدى كانوا فى امان في يد الرب. لقد كان واثقا ايضا بأنهم آمنين فى الرب (رومية 8 : 32 - 39). لقد آمن بكل قطرة في دمه و انه فى يوم ما الله وحده يعرفه، سوف يعود يسوع و كل ركبة ستنحنى و سيثبت ايمان بولس بالرب بفرح. انا مقتنع تماما ان يقين بولس كان صحيحا. و حياتي و ايماني مثبتين علي هذا الاقتناع و اليقين. و صلاتي ان تشاركني هذا اليقين.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
As Paul faced extremely challenging circumstances near the end of his life, many he had led to the Lord had abandoned him. Nevertheless, he was confident that the Lord would not abandon him! He had committed his life to Jesus as Lord, and the Lord would ensure that Paul's investment would not be wasted. His life, future, and eternal destiny were entrusted to the Lord. He was confident they were also secure in the Lord (Romans 8:32-39). With every fiber of his being, Paul believed that on a specific day known only to God the Father, Jesus the Son would return, every knee would bow, and Paul's faith in the Lord would be joyously validated. I am convinced Paul's conviction was on the mark. My life and future are based on that conviction. My prayer is that you share this same conviction, too!
يا إلهي القدير، انا اؤمن، لكن من فضلك قوى ايمانى لكى تبقى ثقتى بك كاملة ورجائى فيك يظل حيوى مهما كان ما احتمله. اودعك كل كيانى وكل ما آمل ان اكونه، واثقا بأنك سوف تحملنى خلال ايا كان ما يقع امامى وتحضرنى لحضورك المجيد بفرح عظيم. في اسم يسوع المجيد اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Almighty God, I believe, but please strengthen my faith. No matter what I endure, may my confidence in you will remain firm and my hope may remain vibrant. I entrust all I am and hope to be into your hands. I believe you will bring me through whatever lies ahead and guide me into your glorious presence with great joy. In Jesus' glorious name, I pray. Amen.