تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
اذا سبق لك ان وقفت امام قبر شخص تحبه، فعلى الارجح ان تكون هذه الفكرة خطرت لك انت ايضاً — لو كنت هنا يا رب! أين يسوع عندما نتألم؟ لماذا لم يكن هنا ليساعدنا؟ و هناك اجابتان حاسمتان هنا للتذكر. الأولى، ان يسوع معنا فى لحظات الخسارة والحزن. فالكنيسة هى جسد يسوع وكل فعل طيب، او دعم، او تعزية، او مساعدة هو عمل يسوع ليخفف من حزننا. الثانية، بينما قد لم يبقي يسوع احبائنا من الانتقال من هذه الحياة إلى الأخرى، كان هناك موجود باستمرار بجانب كل مسيحي مات بالجسد. يذكرنا بولس بانه حينما يموت شخص مسيحي، فهو يذهب ليكون مع المسيح (كورنثوس الثانية 6:5-7؛ فيلبي 21:1-23) وبذلك لا يفقد وجود الله المحب ابداً (رومية 35:8-39)!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
If you have ever stood at the grave side of a loved one, this thought probably crossed your mind, too — "if you had only been here, Lord..."! Where is Jesus when we hurt? Why couldn't he be here to help us? There are a couple of crucial answers to remember.
- Jesus is with us in our moments of loss and grief. The Church is Jesus' Body and every act of kindness, word support, effort to comfort us, and simple helping actions are part of Jesus working to alleviate our grief.
- While Jesus may not have kept our loved one from passing from this life to the next, he has been the abiding and unbroken presence for each Christian who has died physically. Paul reminds us that when a Christian dies, he or she goes to be with Christ (2 Corinthians 5:6-7; Philippians 1:21-23) and God's loving presence is never lost to him or her (Romans 8:35-39).
Martha seems to have something deep inside her that resonated with these promises because she was convinced that even though her brother, Lazarus, had died, she trusted that Jesus could still do something. She says, "But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask" (John 11:20). In the face of overwhelming grief and deep sorrow, we as believers can yearn to have had Jesus present to prevent the death of a loved one. Yet in the face of this unwanted intrusion of death, we can say with faith, "Even now God will" provide victory out of our heartbreak!
أبي القدوس، من فضلك ساعدني ان ارى وجود يسوع فى اوقات الخسارة والحزن. ساعدني ان اراه في في الحضور المعزي للروح القدس الذي يلازمني. ساعدني ان اراه في افعال المحبة والطيبة التي يقوم بها شعبك لمساعدتي. وكذلك ساعدني ان ارى الطرق التي استطيع ان اخدم فيها كيسوع لشخص اخر يمر بحزن. في اسم يسوع اصلي. آمين.
My Prayer...
Holy Father, please help me see Jesus' ministering presence with me in my times of loss and grief. Help me see him in the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit who abides in me. Help me see him in the acts of love and kindness your bodily presence, the church, as your people help me. In addition, dear Father, please help me see ways that I can serve as Jesus' presence to someone else who is experiencing grief. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.