تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
انا لا اعرفك و لكنى تعثرت كثيرا فى حياتى. و مررت بالكثير من اللحظات المحرجة. لقد تعثرت فى قدمى و فى رباط حذائى و فى الرصيف و حتى فى الهواء الطلق. انا اثق انه فى حياتى الروحية حتى و ان تعثرت من آن لآخر فإن الله لم يتركنى أقع أبدا. عندما تخيلت اني انزلق فى الهاوية فان حب الآب و اهتمامه و رحمته و كلامه و خدامه حفظونى من الانهيار. فيد الله تمسكنى. هو موجود فى وقت التجربة. انه قدير و قوي لينقذنى. اثق انه يفرح فى رحلتى. ماذا عنك؟
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
I don't know about you, but I've stumbled my way through much of life. I've tripped at some of the most embarrassing moments. I've stumbled over my own feet, shoelaces, curbs, and just pure air. However, I am confident that in my spiritual life, even though I have stumbled from time to time, God has not let me completely fall. When I think I'm going to plunge into the depths of the abyss, the Father's love, care, concern, Scriptures, servants, and helpers have kept me from destruction. God's hand does uphold me. He is there in times of trial. He has been mighty to save. I do believe that he delights in my journey. How about you?
ايها الآب اشكرك من اجل تأثيرك فى حياتى. اشكرك لأنك ترفعني عندما أكون مكسور تحمنى عندما اكون غير محصن و تعزنى عندما اكون مكسور.اسبحك من اجل نعمتك و مجدك و قربك مني. اقدم لك تسبحتى و امتنانى اللا نهائي فى المسيح. آمين.
My Prayer...
O Father, thank you for your steadying influence in my life. Thank you for lifting me when I have been down, protecting me when I have been vulnerable, and comforting me when I have been broken. I praise you for your grace, your glory, and your nearness. Through Jesus, I offer you my praise and eternal appreciation. Amen.