تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
لقد منحنا الله كلمته ليباركنا. و عندما نطيعه فيما يطلبه مننا، فنكون بذلك نسير بهذه البركة. ومن ناحية أخرى، كما ذكرنا يسوع فى نهاية الموعظة على الجبل، عندما نعلم وصايا الله ولا نطيعها، فنحن حمقى. لا اعلم بشأنك، لكنني أفضل ان استقبل بركة! و اني اشكر الله على حديثه لنا عبر كلمته في الكتاب المقدس لكي نعرف وصاياه ونحيا فى بركته و من خلال حديثه لنا عبر كلمته الحية — ابنه — لكي نعرف ما في قلبه و نطبقه على حياتنا.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Jesus responded to the crowd's praises for his mother and redirected that blessing toward all who would hear God's word and obey it. Yes, Mary deserves our praise and thanks. Jesus is not belittling her. Instead, he reminds us that God's word was given to bless us when we obey it. When we obey God, we walk in his blessing. When we know the Lord's will and don't obey it, we are foolish and invite destruction on ourselves. I don't know about you, but I prefer to receive a blessing! I choose to do more than know what Jesus taught; I want to follow his example and obey his teachings! God blessed us by speaking to us through his word, the Scriptures, so we can understand his will and walk in his blessing. God also chose to come to us in Jesus and speak to us through his living Word, his Son, so we can know his heart, understand his will, and obey his teachings as we apply the Lord's truth to our lives.
أشكرك يا أبي على كشفك لارادتك لي من خلال الكتاب المقدس. أشكرك لأنك تريد ان تباركني وتحميني من الشر. من فضلك سامحني على الأوقات الماضية التي تجاهلت فيها ارادتك او اهملت طاعتي لها. و اني اليوم اتعهد بان اعيش حسب ارادتك لاحيا مطيعا لكلمتك. في اسم يسوع اصلي. آمين.
My Prayer...
Thank you, Father, for revealing your will through the Scriptures. Thank you for wanting to bless me and protect me from evil and consequences. Please forgive me for the times in the past when I ignored or rebelled against your will. Today, dear Lord, I commit to living in your will and obeying Jesus' teaching. In his name, I pray. Amen.