تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

فى كثير من الاحيان نجعل تقديسنا لبعض الايام بناء على قناعاتنا الشخصية او اي شيء اخر يؤثر على علاقاتنا نحو بعض. يجب الا نفرض قناعاتنا على الاخرين. يجب الا ندين احد لانه لا يحتفل بيوم نحتفل نحن فيه للرب. هذه قناعات شخصية لكى نرضى الله و نقدسه بطرق مناسبة. يجب الا نفعل مثلما يفعل الاخرون و الا نفرض ارآنا على احد. يجب ان نقدس الله فى حياتنا و ان نهتم باحتياجات اخوتنا فى المسيح.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

So often we let personal preference, peer pressure, and concerns about the celebration of certain days, especially holidays, have a divisive effect on our Christian relationships. Bottom line, we're not to try to press our opinion or position on anyone else. We're not to judge another because he doesn't celebrate a special day to the Lord and we're not to judge another because she does celebrate special days. This is a matter of personal conviction that revolves around our desire to please the Lord and to honor him in ways we feel are appropriate. Let's not be so insecure that we have to do what everyone else does or force anyone else to do as we prefer. Instead, let's remember the right angle to take with all things: honor God with everything we are and to consider the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.


ايها الاب سامحنا لاننا نفترق بسبب الشعائر الدينية. بالنسبة لى اعطنى الشجاعة لكى اقدس اسمك حسب قناعاتى الشخصية و اعطنى الحكمة كى افعل ذلك بطريقة تبارك بها شعبك و لا تسبب الفرقة. اعلم انى لن انجح بالتمام فى هذه المهمة و لكنى اؤمن انى استطيع بمساعدتك. سوف اجد طرق لامجدك بها و لاصلح علاقتى باخوتى. نقى قلبى فى هذا الموضوع و ارشدنى فى الطريق الذي يجب ان اسلك فيه. باسم يسوع. آمين.

My Prayer...

O Father, please forgive us for fracturing the fellowship of your people based on human observances and our preference about those observances. As for me, Father, please give me courage to honor Christ according to my convictions, but also please give me the wisdom to do so in ways that bless your people and that do not cause division. I know I will never fully succeed at this goal, but I do believe with your help, I will find ways to bring you the glory due you and to also maintain my fellowship with your children. Purify my heart in this matter and guide me in the way I need to go. In Jesus' name. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of رومية 5:14
