تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

يسوع مر بتجارب مثلنا! لقد تألم مثلنا! لقد تأكد الله بنعمته من تواجد شخص فى السماء يعرف شعور مواجهة المعاناة والفناء. هذه المعرفة ليست فقط حكمة العلم بكل شئ. يسوع يضمن ايضا ان معرفة السماء تتضمن تجربة الانسان. ألست شاكرا ان يسوع عرف المعاناة والفناء وانه الآن يعيش ليفدى، ويبارك، ويساعدنا نحن الفانون؟

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jesus was tempted like you and I are! He suffered like we do! God, in his grace, made sure that we had someone in heaven who knew what it was like to face suffering and mortality firsthand. This knowledge is not just through his omniscient wisdom; he also knows us through his shared human experience with us. Jesus guarantees that heaven's knowledge includes human experience in human reality. Aren't you thankful that Jesus knew suffering in mortality so that he now lives to redeem, bless, and ultimately help us face our mortal struggles? I'm sorry he had to suffer; I am thrilled that he stands with me when I do. I'm sorry that Jesus had to be tempted and struggle; I am so thankful he is there to help me when I do!


يا إلهنا المحب القدير، اعرف انك تعرفنى وتعرف الافضل لى. لكن يا ابى، انا واثق فى رعايتك وتفهمك لأن يسوع شارك فى الصراع مع المعاناة والفناء. اشكرك يا يسوع لدفاعك عن قضيتى عند يد الآب اليمنى. اطلب نعمة ابى المتواصلة باسمك يا ربى يسوع. آمين.

My Prayer...

Loving and Almighty God, I know you know me and what is best for me. But Father, I'm even more confident in your care and understanding because Jesus shared in our wrestling match with suffering and mortality. Thank you, Jesus, for pleading my cause at the Father's right hand. I ask for the Father's continued grace in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of عبرانيين 18:2
