تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
فى ايام ميلاد يسوع كان هناك الكثير من البسطاء الذين كانوا ينتظرون الخلاص. كانوا يعلمون ان الفداء لن يتم بدون ثمن باهظ. هذا الثمن الباهظ ليس لهم فقط بل و لله ايضا. لقد اشار اشعياء الى ذلك فى نشيد الخدام (اش 53). لقد اختبروا ذلك فى تاريخهم. لذلك فقد اعترفوا انهم لن يستطيعوا ان يخلصوا انفسهم لأنهم ليس لديهم القوة الكافية لذلك. هذه القوة يجب ان تأتى من الله و تمنح لكل من انتظر خلاص الرب و تغييره لحياتهم. يجب ان يطلبوا ذلك من الله. يجب ان يطلبوا وجهه و حضوره فى حياتهم اليومية. و نحن ايضا يجب ان نفعل ذلك.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
In the days of Jesus' birth, there was a group of devout and lowly people who still looked for God's redemption. They knew that salvation could not, and would not, come without great cost — not just to themselves, but also to God. Isaiah had hinted about this in his Servant Songs (see Isaiah 53). They had experienced in their own history. So with honest hearts, they confessed that they didn't have the power to bring salvation and deliverance. This power had to come from God and had to be released to people who were seeking God's transformation in their lives. They needed to ask God for it! They needed to seek his face, his presence, in their daily lives. So must we!
يا رب اله السماوات و الارض و سيد كل الخليقة اسبحك. اسبحك من اجل قوتك و عظمتك. اسبحك من اجل حكمتك و ابداعك. اسبحك من اجل رحمتك و برك. اسبحك لانك وحدك تستحق التسبيح. يا الله انت وحدك الذي يقدر ان يخلصنى. من فضلك انر بوجهك على. من فضلك اجعل حضورك واضحا فى حياتى. آمين.
My Prayer...
O Lord, God of heaven and earth, Ruler of all creation, I praise you. I praise you for your power and glory. I praise you for your wisdom and creativity. I praise you for your mercy and righteousness. I praise you, because you alone are worthy of my praise. O Lord, you alone can bring me full salvation. Please, shine your face upon me. Please, make your presence known in my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.