تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

ارسل الله ابنه. لا احد قد يفعل ذلك. لقد ارسل انبياء، كهنة، ومبشرين. بقى الايمان راسخ، ومحكوم عليه. لذلك ارسل الله اغلى ما عنده، ابنه. لماذا؟ لكى يتمكن الانسان التافه مثلك ومثلى من نيل التبنى مثل المخلص، ابن الله واخينا فى الايمان!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The Father sent his Son. No one else would do as our Savior and Lord. The Father had sent prophets, priests, and preachers, yet they could not bring the salvation and hope that were needed. Religion remained earthbound, legalistic, and doomed. So, God sent the one most precious to him: his Son. Why? So measly human beings such as you and me could be adopted into his family and have the same rights as the Savior, God's Son, and our brother in the faith because of our adoption into God's family!


اشكرك يا الله القدوس لجلبك لى لعائلتك من خلال ابنك. اشكرك لعدم معاملتك لى كما تستحق آثامى. اشكرك لعدم تركك لى، لكن فدائك لى من خلال نعمتك فى علاقة محبة كابنك. اشكرك لخطة فدائك التى شقت طريقها عبر تاريخ العهد القديم إلى ان جاء الوقت لتوفى بكل وعودك. اشكرك لارسالك ابنك. باسم الرب يسوع المسيح اشكرك. آمين.

My Prayer...

Thank you, Holy God, for bringing me back into your family through your Son. Thank you for not treating me as my sins deserve. Thank you for not leaving me under law, but redeeming me through your grace into a dynamic love relationship as your child. Thank you for your plan of redemption that wound its way through Old Testament history until the time came to fulfill all your promises. Thank you for sending your Son. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of غلاطية 4:4-5
