تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

ميلاد يسوع فى بيت لحم ليس مصادفة. تنبأ الله القدير بهذا قبل سنوات كثيرة عبر انبيائه. حتى خدام هيرودس الدينيين علموا ان المسيح سوف يولد فى مدينة داود القديمة. ميلاد المسيح الموعود سوف يحدث فى مدينة الملك العظيم والشاعر وراعى اسرائيل. هذه كانت خطة الله. انها تنبيه ايضا ان الله يحقق كلامه ويفى بوعوده.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem was no accident. The Almighty God had foretold this many years earlier through his prophet Micah. Even Herod's religious lackeys could determine that the Messiah was to be born in the quaint old city of David. The human birth of the promised Messiah would occur in the city of Israel's great King, poet, and shepherd, Bethlehem. This was God's plan, even though the town was otherwise of little significance or size. Jesus being born in Bethlehem is also a reminder that God keeps his word and fulfills his promises to bless and preserve his people and bring his Messiah.


إلهنا المحب، اجد صعوبة فى اكمال خطتى والايفاء بوعودى. هذا يجعل الكشف عن خطتك، التى تم التنبؤ بها عبر العهد القديم، مذهل حقا بالنسبة لى. من فضلك استخدم روحك لتذكرنى اثناء اللحظات المظلمة لروحى انك تفى بوعودك وسوف تجلب خلاصك فى الوقت المحدد. من فضلك اعطنى صبرا لانتظر باخلاص، واعيش بشجاعة، من اجل ان ينكشف خلاصك بشكل كامل. باسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Loving God, I have a hard time trying to complete my plans and fulfill all my promises. This makes the unfolding of your plans as foretold throughout the winding story of the Old Testament, so amazing to me. You accomplished what you promised a thousand years earlier through the lives of thousands of people, involving many countries, and through the intrigues of countless world leaders! So, please use your Spirit to remind me during my soul's darker moments that you are going to fulfill your promises and bring your deliverance in your time. Please give me more patience as I seek to wait faithfully and to live courageously for your salvation to be fully revealed. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of متى 6:2
