تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
اي جزء في الجسد انت؟ ما هو دورك، و ما هو هدفك ؟ كيف تبارك الآخرين في جسد المسيح؟ من الذي في الجسد يحتاج لتشجيعك و تدعيمك حيث انه يقوم بدور عظيم في خدمة الاخرين ؟ من هو الذي يشعر بالإهمال والوحدة ويحتاج ان تظهر له محبتك؟
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
What part of the Body are you? What's your function? What's your purpose? How are you blessing others in the Body of Christ? Who is someone in Jesus' Body who serves others but also needs your encouragement and praise? Who are people who feel neglected and lonely in Jesus' Body who need your love shown to them? Remember, the human body looks after its parts and members because each is vital to properly functioning. The same is true with Jesus' Body. That means you are essential to your congregation. It also means you are crucial for Jesus' church to function as the Lord's bodily presence in our broken world that desperately needs his love!
يا أبي، أشكرك لانك جعلتني جزءا من شيء ثمين ورائع مثل هذا، الا و هو الحضور الجسدي للرب. من فضلك ساعد كل واحد في كنيستنا ان يعرف مواهبه في الخدمة ويستخدمها بطرق تمجدك و تؤثر في الآخرين بنعمتك . في اسم يسوع. آمين.
My Prayer...
Father, thank you for making me a part of something so precious, so incredible, as the bodily presence of the Lord Jesus. Please help every person in our church family find their gifts and use them to touch others with your grace, build up Jesus' Body, and bring you glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.