تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
لقد اقتبس يسوع حقيقة بديهية كانت شائعه في أيامه لكنها تشير الي الشيطان ب: "القوي" . الشيطان هو القوي الذي ربطنا بالخطية والموت ولكن يسوع اقتحم المنزل وحررنا لأنه يستطيع ان يربط القوي. لقد فعل ذلك بأن اصبح انسان وواجه الموت بطاعة كاملة لله ومن ثم قام من بين الأموات ليهزم الموت ويعطينا حياة! لقد اقتحم يسوع منزل القوي. لقد غلبه وربطه. وماذا جلب من منزل القوي؟ كنز مدفون بالطبع! وهذا الكنز هو نحن!!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Jesus is quoting a popular truism in his day, using this "strong man" saying to refer to his own power over the evil one. Satan may be the strong man who has claimed us through our sin, but Jesus broke into the stronghold of the evil one and delivered us to freedom. Jesus is far stronger than evil, death, and hell. Through the cross, our Savior bound the strong man and then robbed him of us! He did this by becoming human and facing death with complete obedience to God. The Lord then rose from the dead, defeating sin, the evil one, death, and hell, giving us new life! Praise God! Jesus broke into the Strong Man's house. He overpowered him and bound him. What did he bring out of the strong man's house? Treasure, of course! And that treasure is us!!
أشكرك يا ربي يسوع على انقاذك لي من سيادة الظلام وقيادتك لي لملكوت السماوات المنتصرة ! آمين.
My Prayer...
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and ushering me into your victorious Kingdom of Light accomplished by you, the Son of your love!* Amen.
* From Colossians 1:13-14.