“你的慈爱比生命更好。”这听起来有点像现代的爱情歌曲,对不对?没错,这的确是爱情歌曲,只不过不是现代版的。大卫在无水之地,诉说他对神的渴想。他意识到若没有神的慈爱,生命就毫无意义。 你上一次跟神诉说你对他的爱是什么时候?你上一次对耶稣唱一首爱的歌曲是什么时候?不管上一次距今是远还是近,现在就是最佳的时机,去告诉神他的怜悯对你何等宝贵,他的恩典给你何等的自由,他的慈爱对你而言比生命更重要。
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Sounds like the words to some modern love song, doesn't it: "Your love is better than life." Well, it is a love song; it's just not modern. While in the desert, David spoke of his longing for the Lord. He recognized that life would be worthless if he had to live it without the love of God. When was the last time you told God you loved him? When was the last time you sang a love song to Jesus? No matter how long or short that time has been, today is THE perfect time to let God know how precious his mercy is to you, how liberating his grace is for you, and how his love is more important to you than life itself.
My Prayer...
Loving Father, you have sacrificed so much for me and given so much to me. I do not have adequate words to express my thanks, appreciation, and most importantly, my love for you. But please receive my words knowing the commitment and passion of my heart when I say, "Dear God, I love you." In Jesus' name, I praise and thank you. Amen.