耶稣降世为人,使最后的可以在前,使病得医治,使罪人得拯救,使失丧的被寻回。这就是他的宗旨:修复被打破的 — 不只是我们,还有我们的世界、我们人类,以及一切与之相关的。那我们又怎能披戴着耶稣之名,眼看着世人沦丧,却不以耶稣的激情和目标为念呢?
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Jesus came so that the last could be first, the sick could be healed, the sinners could be saved, and the lost could be found. That was his purpose: to fix that which was broken — not just what is broken in us, but also all that is broken in our world, all humanity that is warped, and all that is lost that goes with this brokenness. So how can we wear the name of Jesus, the Son of Man who is our Savior, and not live with his passion and purpose toward what we see lost in our world?
My Prayer...
O loving Father and Almighty God, I yearn for your Spirit to stir a holy passion in your people, especially in me, so that we may more nearly reflect Jesus' purpose in our lives, families, and churches. I pray in Jesus' name, the Son of Man who came to save me. Amen.