

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

So God likes to sing too! He even likes to share his lullabies with those he loves. Not only is God Abba Father, he is also like a mother. He gently rocks and quiets his children with his affectionate care.



My Prayer...

O God, I pray that when the storms of life rage against me, I will remember these words and find refuge, comfort and peace in your sheltering care. Make me aware, O God, of your singing in my life as you make your salvation more clear to me each day. Through my Savior Jesus I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 西番雅书 3:17
