
我们要是一直只看后视镜的唯一后果就是发生在挡风玻璃前面的大灾难!作为基督徒,我们最好的日子总是遥遥领先。耶稣承诺回来,带我们回上帝的家 — 那将是多么好的将来。因此,让我们不要被怀旧的愤世嫉俗分了心。我们可以对曾经的恩赐感谢上帝,但让我们不要因悲观而忽视了上帝的现世存在。让我们承诺去兑现我们的时间和相信耶稣从死里复活的的神一样还持着我们的未来在他的手中。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Looking overly long in the rearview mirror, we only gain an oncoming disaster in our front windshield! Our best days as Christians are always ahead. Jesus has promised to return and take us home to be with God! What better future could there be? So let's not get distracted by a nostalgic glorification of the past and a grumpy cynicism about our future. We can thank God for his past blessings, but let's not waste the present moment with pessimism. Let's find joy each day, thank God for his blessings in the present, and commit to redeeming our time, trusting that the same God who raised Jesus from the dead also holds our future in his hands.



My Prayer...

Holy God, give me a sense of your purposes and blessings with each new day. I want to have an optimistic outlook about your future for me and anticipate my coming Lord, who will meet me in that future. Please help me live with genuine joy, knowing that no matter where the road leads me today, I will journey with you until Jesus comes and takes me home to be with you. In Jesus' name, I thank you. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 传道书 7:10
