
我记得Corrie ten Boom(《密室》作者,二战中因隐藏犹太人而和家人一起被关集中营)的话,“感谢神给我们跳蚤。” 跳蚤使德国士兵不进入她被关押的营房。这使她能够向其他人传福音,关心那些被迫害的人。她展现并传扬了主耶稣。即使在最糟糕的苦难中,神能够通过那些懂得生命目的是品格而非舒适的人们带去祝福。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I remember the old Corrie ten Boom phrase, "Thank God for the fleas." The fleas kept the German soldiers out of the barracks in the Jewish concentration camp where she was imprisoned. This allowed her to minister and visit with those who were being persecuted. There she could show and share Jesus. Even in the worst of suffering, God can bring blessings through those who know that life's goal is character, not comfort.



My Prayer...

Mighty God, I confess that I get impatient and frustrated with difficulty, pain, and suffering. Please give me more compassion and a better listening ear so that I may bless those who need your love and grace. Give me the strength to find joy in the difficulties of breaking through the barriers Satan places in the way to keep others from Jesus. In the Savior's name, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 罗马书 5:3-4
