

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Nehemiah faced what seemed like an impossible task. He knew, however, how important it was for God's people to remember how big their God is! At first glance, our praise is pretty irrelevant to everyone and everything. That praise, however, matters to us, those closest to us, and amazingly, it matters to God. In a universe so vast, so much bigger than Nehemiah could have dared to imagine, what is our small voice and song of praise? The billions of stars and innumerable creatures of the immense seas all cry out that our Creator is Lord. God constantly receives the worship of the angels and all the heavenly beings. So, what difference does it make if we praise God? To the universe, to be blunt, it doesn't matter. But it does to us! Praise awakens us to the incredible power, yet nearness, of God. Amazingly, our praise also matters greatly to our Lord, who longs to be our Father and wants to do his wondrous works in our world through us!


神圣和惊人的上帝,你是唯一的上帝 — 万物之主,我生命的主。你被你所创造的赞美。你的作品哭出来,声明你的创意天才和你的慈爱。爸爸,我想把我对你的由衷赞美加入万物的合唱,天使的声音,许多先辈对你的赞美的行列里。你真正值得被称赞。我很乐意为您献上我的赞美词,我的歌,我的心,我的生命。奉耶稣的名。阿门。

My Prayer...

Holy and amazing God, you alone are LordLord of all creation and Lord of my life. You are praised by all you have made. Your works cry out and declare your creative genius and your loving kindness. Father, I want to add my heartfelt praise to the chorus of creation, the voices of the angels, and the praise of many who have come before me. You are truly worthy to be praised. I gladly add my words, songs, heart, and life as part of that never-ending choir of praise. In Jesus' name. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 尼希米记 9:6
