神不只会听到我们求拯救的呼声; 他也派来强大的拯救者!上帝派摩西去响应来自埃及的以色列人的呼声(见出埃及记3)。神还派耶稣以响应全球呼求摆脱黑暗邪恶的王子的声音。我们的新世界,我们的王国,是建立在爱的基础上 — 不仅为我们征服死亡,也为我们而放弃自己的生命的救主的牺牲性的爱。耶稣不仅是我们的拯救人员(将我们从某些东西中拯救出来),他也是我们的救主(也为了某些东西而拯救我们)!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God doesn't just hear our cries for deliverance; he also sends us powerful deliverers! God sent Moses in response to the Israelites' cries from Egypt (Exodus 3:1-9). God sent David in response to Goliath's ridicule of God's people by the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:1-50). God also sent Jesus in response to his people's cries for deliverance from bondage to the evil prince of darkness (John 3:16-17; Romans 5:6-11). God built his new Kingdom of deliverance on love — the sacrificial love of a Savior who not only conquered death for us but also brought us "life and immortality" through his deliverance of us. Jesus is not only our rescuer (who saves us FROM something horrible — sin, death, Satan, and hell), he is also our Savior (who saves us FOR something as well — to be blessing others with Jesus' love and grace) (Ephesians 2:1-10). God has brought us from darkness to light and from death to life in the Kingdom of his beloved Son!
My Prayer...
Loving and eternal God, in Jesus, you reached down to my limited and mortal world and rescued me from its bondage to mortal limits. Thank you for breaking the stranglehold of death on me and freeing me from my slavery of sin and bondage to Satan. Thank you for using love to break down the barriers that kept me from you. Thank you! You have "rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son" you love and who saves us! I offer my thanks, service, and praise in Jesus' name. Amen.