Gedanken zum Vers des Tages

Gott hat wiederholt sein Volk durch die vom Heiligen Geist Gottes inspirierten Propheten ansprechen lassen. Doch allzu oft haben diese Menschen die Stimme der Propheten ignoriert und ihren Gott verlassen. Möge das Gleiche von uns nicht gesagt werden!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Nehemiah reminded God's people that the Lord had spoken repeatedly to his people through the prophets. The faithful prophets spoke as the Holy Spirit of God inspired them. God loved, blessed, and protected his people, yet they often ignored his will revealed through his servants, the prophets. The people abandoned the Lord their God to their destruction! We must not let the same thing be said of us. Let's pay attention to our God and to his Son, Jesus, whom the Father sent. Let's listen and obey the Holy Spirit whom the Lord Jesus poured out upon us and who is alive in us to guide us. The Spirit speaks to our hearts and through the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Spirit longs to guide us in the ways of our God.

Mein Gebet

Souveräner Herr und Abba Vater, ich preise dich! Möge meine Liebe zu dir nie erlöschen, noch die Sehnsucht meines Herzens, dir zu gehorchen und zu gefallen! In Jesu Namen bete ich. Amen.

My Prayer...

Sovereign Lord and Abba Father, we praise you! Please never let us outlive our love for you or our hearts' desire to be obedient and pleasing to you! Lead us and speak to our hearts through your Holy Spirit and your holy Scriptures. We offer our hearts to you and are ready to obey you and follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior. In his name, we pray. Amen.

Die Gedanken zum Vers des Tages und die Gebete werden von Phil Ware verfasst. Fragen und Kommentare senden Sie bitte an [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Nehemia 9:30
