Gedanken zum Vers des Tages
Gott möchte, dass wir uns ihm als Vater nähern und mit ihm über die elementaren alltäglichen Dinge unseres Lebens reden, statt lange, blumige und vornehme Gebete an ihn zu richten.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We approach the Lord as the holy and almighty God to be worshiped in reverence and our Abba Father, whom we approach as loving children. Rather than needing long, ornate, and lofty prayers, God wants us to speak with him about the most basic everyday issues and needs of our lives, trusting that he hears us and responds to our spiritual and physical requests by doing what we need while aligning us to his will and blessing us with his grace.
Mein Gebet
Lieber Vater, danke dir, dass du ein heiliger Gott bist, der auch nahe ist. Bitte führe deinen Willen in meinem Leben aus, dir zu Ehre. In Jesu Namen. Amen.
My Prayer...
Dear Father, thank you for being a holy God who is ever near. Please do your will in my life and use me to your glory. Forgive me as I work on forgiving those who have sinned against me. I know that you will bless me in my life with my daily needs. I come to you in Jesus' name, dear Father, confident that you love us and do what is best for us in your will. Amen.