Gedanken zum Vers des Tages

Weise Menschen haben es nicht nötig, ihre Weisheit dadurch zu beweisen, indem sie andere Menschen geringschätzen und abwerten. Stattdessen halten sie ihren Mund und lassen ihr Leben darüber ‚reden’, was gut, ehrenhaft, gerecht und wahrhaftig ist.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Wise folks don't have to prove their wisdom by disrespecting others and putting them down while belittling them. Instead, godly and wise people hold their tongues and let their lives speak what is good, honorable, righteous, loving, and genuine. Our world is full of cynical sarcasm. Our culture overly rewards people who are quick with belittling and unwholesome quips — those quick and razor-sharp "put-downs" so often in TV sit-coms and on social media. As people of God and followers of Jesus, we are called to redeem others through what we say and bring a blessing with our words (Ephesians 4:29).

Mein Gebet

Heiliger Vater, schenk mir eine weise Nutzung meiner Sprache. Möge sie für andere ein Segen sein und eine Quelle des Lobs für dich. In Jesu Namen bete ich. Amen.

My Prayer...

Holy Father, I ask for your wisdom, patience, and kindness so I can use my speech to bless others and praise you. Please, Father, pour the Holy Spirit into my heart in a fresh way when I am tempted to use my words to hurt, belittle, and insult others. I don't want to do those things, so I ask for the Spirit's help. In Jesus' name, I ask for your help to be more gracious and loving as I speak with others. Amen.

Die Gedanken zum Vers des Tages und die Gebete werden von Phil Ware verfasst. Fragen und Kommentare senden Sie bitte an [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Sprüche 11:12
