Gedanken zum Vers des Tages
Das Geschenk von Jesus birgt eine große Verantwortung in sich: Wir sollen auf ihn hören, ihm folgen und ihn ehren! Wenn Gott von seinem Volk Gehorsam gegenüber seinen menschlichen Boten (Propheten und Könige) verlangte, welche Verantwortung tragen dann wir, um auf ihn zu hören, da Gott die Herrlichkeit seines Sohnes aus dem Himmel zu uns sandte, um uns zu erleuchten?
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
As with all the daily verses this year, we are syncing with the date, so finding a 12:25 reference related to Jesus' birth was difficult. But I believe that Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection confront us with a choice on what to do with the wonder, joy, and glory God has lavished on us in Jesus. When God made Herod face the choice of what to do with Jesus, the evil and corrupt king met Jesus with violent rejection, jealous hatred, and murderous intent. Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Anna, Simeon, the shepherds, the angels, and the magi joyfully accepted God's invitation to grace in Jesus. We can, too! With the gift of Jesus comes a tremendous opportunity and responsibility: we must choose to listen, obey, follow, and honor Christ — both the Christ child and Christ, who is our Savior and Lord! Since God demanded that his people obey his lesser messengers — prophets, priests, and kings in the days before Jesus — imagine how much more is our responsibility. God emptied heaven of his Son's glory to send him to earth as one of us so that the Light of Life could shine on us and bring us salvation. What a glorious gift, a divine present!
Mein Gebet
Danke dir, lieber Vater, dass du deinen Sohn und meinen Heiland, Jesus, geschickt hast. Bitte, lieber Herr, ich möchte dieses Geschenk nie für selbstverständlich nehmen. Bitte befähige mich mit Weisheit, damit ich auf Jesus hören und ihm dienen kann. In dessen Namen ich bete. Amen.
My Prayer...
Thank you, dear Father, for sending your Son and my Savior, Jesus. Please, dear Lord, I do not want to ever take the gift of Jesus for granted. Please, Holy Spirit, empower me and give me wisdom so I can faithfully know, obey, and honor Jesus with my life as you transform me with increasing glory to become more and more like him. I thank you and ask for your continuing grace, Father, in the precious name of Jesus, the Christ child and my Lord! Amen.