Gedanken zum Vers des Tages
Gott hat uns in Jesus sehr gesegnet. Dennoch sehnt sich Gott danach, uns noch mehr zu segnen. Warum? Gott will uns segnen, weil er ein großzügiger Gott ist, weil er unser liebender Vater ist, weil das Segnen seiner Natur entspricht, weil er will, dass wir ihm ähnlich sind! Gott segnet uns, damit wir ein Segen für die anderen sein können!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God has blessed us so much in Jesus. He has given us his grace, his mercy, his forgiveness, his Spirit, his power, his community, his Word, and he has adopted us into his family. Amazingly, God longs to bless us even more than he already has blessed us. Why?
- He is a generous God.
- He is our loving Father.
- He wants us to be generous like he is.
- He longs to see us bless others so he can bless us with more to share.
God blesses us to be a blessing to others!
Mein Gebet
Du hast mich sehr reichlich gesegnet, HERR. Darum bitte ich dich, mir zu helfen, die Gelegenheiten zu erkennen, die du mir in meinem Alltag schenkst, damit ich andere segnen kann. Mache mich zum Kanal deiner Segnungen. Ich bete das im Namen von Jesus Christus, meinem Herrn. Amen.
My Prayer...
You have so richly blessed me, Lord, so please help me see the opportunities you build into each day for me to bless others. Make me a conduit of your blessings. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, who gave everything so that I might be yours. Amen.