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Thoughts on Today's Verse...

One of the great stories in the Gospel of John is Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a great teacher who came to Jesus at night, and Jesus told him that those who love the truth would come to the light. Later, Nicodemus spoke up for Jesus even though he was ridiculed for it. Then, at the worst possible time, politically and religiously, Nicodemus showed himself as Jesus' disciple. He took the broken and dead body of Jesus and helped Joseph of Arimathea place Jesus' body in a tomb. Nicodemus didn't stay in the darkness, he came to Jesus from the darkness to the light. Neither should we. Jesus is the light of the world; if our light cannot be found in him, how deep is our darkness?

My Prayer...

Father, I want to walk in the light with you. The darkness of Calvary, the cross, and crucifixion, did not extinguish your light in Jesus. It made his light burn even more brightly for me. At the cross, I see your love for me. At the cross, I realize that Jesus took my sins away. At the cross, I see Jesus' love for both you and me, and that love is perfected. Thank you, Father, for your gracious salvation. Thank you, Jesus, for your incredible sacrifice. And thank you, Jesus, for your light in the midst of our darkness. In your name, O, Jesus, our perfect Lamb, I pray. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of John 12:46
