Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The ultimate question in each of our lives is simply this: do we have something to live for that is also worth dying for? Paul's answer is "Yes!" Christ is the answer, the reason, and the hope. Now if we can get our will and our heart to line up with our commitment, we can make that same statement, too!

My Prayer...

O Lord, please forgive me for the things I have done or have said that have made the work of Christ in me more difficult to see. For as many years as you give me on this earth, I want my life to be a living testimony to Jesus and his powerful grace. I do look forward, dear Father, to the day that Christ comes in victory to bring me home to you. Until that day, please use me in your service. I am thankful that no matter what may lie ahead, I know that my future is tied to your Son and my Savior. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

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