Thoughts on Today's Verse...
In the beautiful old hymn "O Sacred Head," the final verse ends with this plea: "Lord, let me never, never, outlive my love to Thee." To this sentiment, we want to add one other verse in the old English style of the hymn: "Lord, let me never, never, die until the next generation knoweth Thee!" We must live so four generations can pass on their faith to those who follow them (2 Timothy 2:1-2). This means I want my grandchildren to pass on their faith to their children and friends. So yes, "Lord, let me never, never, die until the next generations knoweth Thee!"
My Prayer...
Lord God Almighty, the great I AM; please help me and those in my generation to pass on an appreciation of your power and glory to those who come after us. Bless your Church's future with many more continuous generations of faith after me, or until you send your Son to bring your people home. In the name of Jesus my coming Lord, I pray. Amen.