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Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Who is your hero? I'm not asking for the Sunday school class answer; I want you to look inside. Who is the person you most actively admire? Is it Jesus? Let's admit that it is hard to "fix our eyes on Jesus" because he is not here where we can see him like our other earth-bound heroes. Jesus is, however, the ultimate adventurer, trailblazer, and superhero. He faced the horrific penalty and shame of the cross, taking away all of our sins! He did it so that we could have a hero that death and sin could not destroy, mar, or taint. He did it so that we could be confident that if we follow in his footsteps, the trail he blazed wasn't just for him but also for all of us who follow him!

My Prayer...

Holy God, forgive me when I chase what is false and let my focus shift from Jesus as my ultimate hero. I want to honor and serve him, having his life come alive in me so that others may know the confidence in having Jesus as their Lord. Words cannot express my gratitude to my Lord for his sacrifice and the horrible price he paid for my sins. Neither can words express my jubilation at his trailblazing victory that assures that I will someday be with you forever! It is in his name, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Hebrews 12:2
