Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I guess we could call it the irony of discipleship. To follow Christ means that we give up everything and follow him. To follow Christ means that we receive untold blessings in this life and eternal life with God in the life to come. So is it hard? Yes, sometimes it is. But life is hard. Is the burden light as Jesus promised? Yes, because we know our lives are not lived in vain, that we are living life as God intended it, and when life is over, it isn't really over! We get to go home and be with our Lord!

My Prayer...

Give me courage, O God, to face the challenges that I must confront. Give me charity to deal appropriately with those I meet. Give me thankfulness for all that you have done to bless me. Give me clarity to see that living for Jesus is the best of all choices. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

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