Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Pensamos que es más que fácil permitir que nuestas circunstancias determinen nuestras actitudes. Pablo hace recordar a este grupo nuevo de Cristianos que se encuentran bajo ataque, que su vida nueva en Cristo les ha traido gozo a pesar de las circunstancias difíciles que enfrentaban. Su gozo no era temporal, determinado por sus circunstancias. Todo lo contrario. Habian recibido el mensaje poderoso de la salvación con gozo! Su gozo estaba arraigado en el ejemplo de su Salvador y su presencia permanente por medio del Espíritu Santo.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Many of us find it easy to let our circumstances determine our moods. Paul is addressing a group of new Christians in Thessalonica who had been under attack from the beginning of their Christian lives (Acts 17:5-9). Yet Paul reminded these believers that their new life in Christ had brought them joy despite their outwardly harsh circumstances. Their joy was not a fleeting, circumstance-determined veneer. Instead, they welcomed the powerful message of salvation with joy despite "severe suffering." Their joy was not dependent upon their earthly circumstances. Instead, they rooted their joy in their Savior's example, his abiding presence through the Holy Spirit, and his promised salvation.
Mi oración
Padre Celestial, te pido que mi gozo sea resistente a las circunstancias externas. Aumenta mi gozo en el Espíritu Santo. Bendíceme mientras trato de llevar mi vida y actitud conforme al ejemplo de mi Salvador. Ayúdame a ser ejemplo de gozo espiritual a los que me rodean. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.
My Prayer...
Dear heavenly Father, please make my joy immune to outward circumstances. Please empower that joy through your Holy Spirit abiding in me. Please bless and empower me as I seek to conform my life and attitude to the example of my Savior. Please help me become a better example of spiritual joy to those around me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.