Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Si has pasado tiempo leyendo los Evangelios (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan), probablemente ya has llegado a la conclusión dicha en este pasaje. Si quiere vivir una vida mejor, empieza con Jesús. Sigue su ejemplo y enseñanzas. No es un camino fácil, pero es un viaje autentico y de transformación. Mientras aprendemos que podemos confiar en el porque nos conoce, vemos que nuestras vidas llegan a tener una profundidad y un significado más rico.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Jesus knows people. He especially knew the crowd and how fickle and selfish people often can be. Jesus did not minister to people, heal the broken, or teach the truth to those who would listen to garner public approval or attention. He wanted our selfish fickleness transformed into character, commitment, and compassion. So, if we're going to know how to better live as a person, the place to start is Jesus. If we want to know how to be compassionate, we observe Jesus as he ministers to the broken people around him. If we desire to live passionately for God, we must focus on Jesus and his commitment to the Father. We need to follow his example and obey his teachings. This lifestyle — or Christyle, as I call it — is not easy. However, it is authentic and invites us to participate in a transformational journey with Jesus as the Holy Spirit shapes us to become evermore like him (2 Corinthians 3:18). As we learn that we can trust Jesus because he knows us, we discover a life of greater depth and richer meaning. Jesus invites us to follow him and discover this life, realizing that Jesus alone knows what is inside us and what we most need to become like him and find life in all of its fullness and wonder (John 10:10).
Mi oración
Gracias Padre por mandar a tu Hijo para mostrarme como vivir y aprender tu verdad. En el nombre precioso de tu Hijo oro, Amen.
My Prayer...
Thank you, Father, for sending your Son to show me how to live and to teach me your truth. In the name of your precious Son and my Savior, Jesus, I pray. Amen.