Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

¡Que pasaje tan increíble! Pongámoslo en palabras comunes para poder interpretar y creerlo. Dios preparó todo en el mundo para después mandar a su Hijo. A su Hijo le fue necesario cumplir con la ley y vivir como un ser humano. Nuestro Padre nos compró la libertad al precio terrible de entregar la vida de su Hijo en una cruz frente a una muchedumbre que lo odiaba por quien era y que lo insultaba permanentemente. Lo hizo para que tú y yo pudiéramos llegar a ser sus hijos amados gozando de toda su herencia. Para decirlo con pocas palabras: El plan de Dios, el Hijo de Dios, el rescate de Dios, nuestra gloria.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Wow! What a rich passage loaded with many wonderfully challenging ideas. God made history ready for the Savior, then sent his Son as that Savior. God's Son then dealt with all the difficulties of the law, the religious politics, and the frailties of mortality. Our Father bought our freedom at the terrible cost of his Son's crucifixion on a cross in front of a jeering mob jealous of his Son's popularity and afraid of his power. God allowed this so he could raise Jesus from the dead, and you and I could become his honored children, entitled with the Son to the Father's full inheritance (Romans 8:17). Paul is not being prejudiced or sexist in saying that we are given the rights of sons because in his day, daughters often didn't have any rights of inheritance. So, he is saying everyone in Christ — men and women — have the full rights of an honored son in God's family. God's perfectly timed plan and perfect Son led to the Father's perfect sacrifice that paid our ransom from sin and death, bringing us salvation and the assurance of glory in the future.

Mi oración

Gracias, Padre Celestial, por todo el dolor que te costó mandar a Jesús para verlo perseguido, ridiculizado y crucificado. Gracias por redimirme de condición de pecado, comprándome los regalos de libertad y familia. A Ti pertenecen toda gloria, honra y alabanza por tu gracia maravillosa. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all the pain it caused you to send Jesus and to see him persecuted, ridiculed, and crucified. Thank you for redeeming me from my sinful condition, for buying me out of the death that would have been the consequence of my sins, and for giving me the gift of freedom in Christ and the assurance that I will receive the full inheritance of your honored Son. To you belongs all glory, honor, and praise for your marvelous grace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Gálatas 4:4
