Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Santiago siempre dice mucho con pocas palabras. Vayamos al grano en este llamado a la santidad: Debemos acercarnos a Dios. Cuando entramos en la presencia de Dios y nos acercamos a Él, bien sabemos que nuestros pensamientos, motivos y comportamiento serán vistos a la luz de su santidad y justicia. A su vez, sabemos que Satanás será echado por la misma luz. Busquemos, entonces, a Dios. Que el deseo de acercarnos a Él sea lo primordial en nuestros corazones. ¡Pidámosle que nos limpie y nos haga totalmente santos!
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
James always packs a lot of truth into short messages. Let's focus on the center of this call to holiness: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. ... Come near to God..." Let's draw our hearts closer to God. When we come into God's presence and draw close to him, we know our thoughts, motives, and behaviors will be seen for what they are in the light of his holiness, righteousness, and grace. At the same time, we know that the devil is forced out of our presence by the radiance of our Father's holy and righteous character. Let's seek God — his righteous character, gracious compassion, and faithful love and justice. Let's draw near to God, yearning to be in his presence so we can be more like him in our daily lives. Let's ask God to cleanse us, make us holy, and wholly his!
Mi oración
Padre Justo, gracias por tu amor y perdón. Ahora, Padre Amado, ayúdame mientras busco acercarme a Ti para conocerte mejor. Purifica mi corazón de cualquier falsedad y pecado secreto. Limpia mi conciencia dándome el poder de ser un ejemplo de tu gracia y santidad. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.
My Prayer...
Righteous Father, thank you for your love and forgiveness. Now, dear Father, help me as I yearn to draw closer to you, know you better, and reflect you more fully in my daily life. Purify my heart of any duplicity or secret sin. Cleanse my conscience and empower me to exemplify your grace and holiness. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.