Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Tenemos ejemplos de quienes utilizan su riqueza de manera sabia, que generosamente bendicen a otros y honran a Dios en el proceso: Bernabé en Hechos 4 (vea 2 Corintios 8-9; I Timoteo 6:17-18). Aun así, el Nuevo Testamento nos advierte una y otra vez sobre nuestro deseo de la riqueza. Fuera de control, este deseo puede llegar a ser nuestro dios llevándonos a la ruina (I Timoteo 6:9-10). Puede llegar a ser idolatría (Colosenses 3:5). Perseguir la riqueza es solo otro intento vano de dar sentido a la vida. En los últimos dos versículos del Libro de Eclesiastés, el Sabio revela donde podemos encontrar el significado verdadero de la vida así explicando lo que quiere decir Pablo cuando dice, “la devoción con alegría es la mejor riqueza”

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

This devotional falls near Mother's Day for many in the Western Hemisphere. For all of us, however, it is a great time to honor our godly mothers, especially widows. To our shame, many modern churches have copied the leadership roles (or at least the leadership names) listed in the New Testament. We have bishops, elders, shepherds, pastors, ministers, deacons, ministry leaders... Why have so few churches had a "Widows List"? Why have we seldom recognized and valued godly women like the early church leaders did? Paul said that the women on the "Widows' List" had proven their godliness in lives well lived with genuine character. Paul emphasized that the Church should help support and care for them so they can continue their lives of ministry unworried by their essential needs. In a time when the world honors mothers, let's make sure our godly women, especially godly widows, are honored for their good deeds and service to God's people. Let's ensure they receive the love, support, and respect God wants them to have in the Church!

Notice that this year we are using the date to be a selection tool for our verses — May 10 (5/10) for 1 Timothy 5:10 — which challenges us to consider overlooked verses like this one!

Mi oración

Padre Todopoderoso y Generoso, gracias por bendecirme tanto. Llena mi corazón con tu generosidad para que pueda llegar a ser una bendición para los que me rodean. Protege mi corazón del afán, egoísmo y envidia para que pueda recibir tus regalos dando gracias y compartiendo con gozo. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

O Father, thank you for those women among us who have been faithful to their husbands, loving to their children, and hospitable to your people. Forgive our churches for not valuing these godly examples and resources of inspiration and ministry more. During this challenging time, open our eyes to those godly women among us whom we need to serve, support, and bless. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 1a. de Timoteo 5:10
