Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Si un rey extranjero en los días del Viejo Testamento es capaz de reconocer cuán grande y glorioso es nuestro Dios, ¡seguramente nosotros que hemos recibido su gracia por Jesús somos más que capaces de regocijarnos alabándolo!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

If a foreign King in the days of the Old Testament can recognize how grand and glorious our God is, surely those of us who have received his grace through Jesus can rejoice in him and praise him! Our God IS the living God and does endure forever. He has brought us into his Kingdom, which can never be destroyed or shaken. Our God, the Lord Almighty, rescues and saves. He does signs and wonders to bring his deliverance to his people and share his grace with those who do not yet know him.

Mi oración

Padre Dios, eres glorioso e increíble. Tu reino es justo, verdadero y eterno. Cumples con tus promesas y eres generoso con Tus bendiciones. Solo tú eres verdemente santo, increíble en tu esplendor y fuerza. Te alabo y Te agradezco en el nombre de Jesús mi Señor. Amen.

My Prayer...

Father God, you are glorious and awesome. Your rule is true, righteous, and eternal. You keep your promises and generously send forth your blessings. You alone are truly holy, awesome in your splendor and might. I praise you and thank you in the name of Jesus, my Lord. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Daniel 6:26-27
