Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

A veces imaginamos a Dios como demasiado frágil, demasiado distante o demasiado ocupado como para hablarle honestamente en cuanto a nuestros dilemas. Job no era tan así. Su ejemplo sirve para mostrarnos que Dios quiere mantener la relación con nosotros aun cuando hay problemas. No importa a donde se encuentra en sus luchas, sea honesto con Dios no con disrespeto pero sin con sinceridad. Permite que te sane tus heridas, frustraciones y temores más profundos.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

We sometimes think of God as too fragile, distant, or brooding to speak honestly with him about our dilemmas. Others want to never appear to doubt, be angry, or be disappointed with God, thinking it might appear irreverent. Job, however, was not so shy. He did not live in denial about his anguish, pain, and disappointment with God. He spoke honestly out of life that was honorable and reverent before his great God (Job 1:1). Job is our great reminder that God prefers us to maintain our relationship with him, even if it is stormy and we are weary and confused. No matter where you are in your struggles, be honest with God. Speak openly with him about your emotions. Be real about the current chapter of your life, acknowledging that pain and disappointment overwhelm you. Let him minister to your truest hurts, deepest frustrations, and greatest fears. The Psalms offer many words of honest complaint and confusion to God. Job is honest about his suffering and life's unfairness. So, you can be honest with God. You can refuse to use trite, sanitized, and cliched words that are untrue to your heart. The Holy Spirit intercedes to help clean up your words and speak the unspeakable emotions of your heart (Romans 8:26-27). Don't be silent; speak out of the anguish of your spirit and the bitterness of your soul to your Father, who hears and cares how you feel.

Mi oración

Abba Padre, gracias por escuchar mis palabras y mi corazón. Gracias por proveer al Espíritu Santo y mi Salvador Jesús como intercesores mios ante Tu trono. Gracias por permitirme entrar en Tu presencia aun cuando mi corazón este lleno de conflicto y dolor. Gracias por amarme a pesar de mis inperfecciones y conflictos. Más que nada, gracias por Tu promesa de llevarme para estar contigo para compartir en Tu gloria. En el nombre de Jesús, Amen.

My Prayer...

Abba Father, thank you for listening to my words and my heart. Thank you for providing the Holy Spirit and my Savior, Jesus, as my intercessors before your throne. Thank you for wanting me in your presence even when my heart is full of conflict, anger, and pain. Thank you for loving me through my brokenness and strife. Most of all, thank you for your promise to deliver me through this time of agony and bring me home to you to share in your glory. In Jesus' name, I yearn to experience your deliverance. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Job 7:11
