Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

La palabra "sumiso" es normalmente negativo o positivo según nuestra personalidad. Es agradable tener a alguien que te sirva sumisamente, pero servir a otro sumisamente es un trabajo duro. Desafortunadamente, solemos ser egoístas la mayor parte del tiempo, pero Dios trabaja de la manera contraria a alguien egoista y orgulloso que no esta dispuesto a servir a otros, en especial si esos "otros" son creyentes mayores. Así sea fácil o difícil hacer lo que nuestro Padre nos pide, debemos hacerlo con humildad.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The word "submissive" is often viewed as positive or negative based on our personal experience. It is nice having someone serve us submissively, but serving someone else submissively is hard and sometimes imposing work. Unfortunately, we are selfish way too much of the time and don't like to serve or submit to others. However, God is still in direct opposition to anyone full of pride and unwilling to serve others, especially if those "others" are older believers! Whether it's easy to wear the clothes of a submissive servant — the spiritual clothes our Father wants us to wear voluntarily — we are to intentionally clothe ourselves with humility because "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Let's live the blessing of submission in our daily lives!

Mi oración

Padre, muchas gracias por los grandes héroes de la fe que se nombran en las escrituras. Gracias por los otros héroes de la fe que han compartido sus ejemplos y sus vidas conmigo. Bendícelos con salud y fortaleza. Y Padre, por favor úsame para bendecir y servir a todos tus hijos, en especial a aquellos que han vivido en fiel servidumbre a ti y a tu reino. Por la gracia de Jesús y en su nombre, oro. Amen.

My Prayer...

Father, thank you so much for the great heroes of faith listed in Scripture. Thank you for the heroes of faith who served others and demonstrated their love for others through submission as examples to me. Bless them with strength and health. And now, Father, please use me to bless and to serve all of your children, especially those who have lived many years in faithful service to you and your Kingdom. Because of the grace of Jesus, and in his name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 1a. de Pedro 5:5
