Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy
Tal como las reglas que los padres fijan para sus hijos: no hables con extraños, no juegues en la calle. La guía que nos da Dios no es para restringirnos, sino para protegernos. Sus mandamientos, tanto positivos como prohibitivos, son para nuestra protección y perfección. En ellos encontramos vida. Un ejemplo son las leyes de pureza que se encuentran en el Viejo Testamento que ahora entendemos protegían a los Hebreos de las bacterias y los virus antes de que el hombre tuviera conocimiento de tales cosas. Fueron protegidos sin entender su propósito.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Much like the rules parents have for young children — don't drink what's under the cabinet, don't play in the street, don't walk out from behind parked cars... — God's guidance is not to restrict us, but to protect us. His commands, both positive and prohibitive, are for our protection and perfection. By them we find life and have it preserved. (The Old Testament Law had all sorts of cleanliness laws that did not make any sense at all until thousands of years after they were written when we began to understand bacteria and viruses. All through these years, the Israelites were preserved by God's command when they had no real understanding why God had given the laws in the first place.)
Mi oración
Santo Dios, ayúdame ver tus palabras como vida. Sé que has dado tus mandamientos para mi santidad y para bendecirme. Utiliza tu Espíritu para ablandar mi corazón y que se amolde más a tu voluntad. En el nombre de Jesús y por su poder, pido, Amen.
My Prayer...
Holy Lord, help me see your words as life. I know you have given your commands, your will for holiness, to bless me and protect me. Use your Spirit to make my heart less stubborn and my life more nearly conformed to your will. In Jesus' name and by his power I ask it. Amen.